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The Impact of Blogging

The Impact of Blogging

by Robbie Allen, December 20, 2005

In a short span of five years, blogs have invaded our culture and left an indelible mark on society. From Politics to Journalism, blogs are reshaping our notion of how content is…


上週六參加flickr Taiwan group聚會的時候,某電腦雜誌的編輯問了一個問題:最近引起許多媒體注意的網路日誌(blog),除了種種優點之外,還有什麼缺點。

iPod nano這個名字

Apple昨天推出了「超薄型」的iPod nano隨身聽。對我來說,iPod nano的容量無論是放音樂、或是當隨身碟用都有點小,所以這一代的新機我大概還是不會買。

Big Words

While browsing the History Carnival I came across this entry on Early Modern Notes “Academics and their big words” by Sharon. It’s on the value of language and in particular as response to Robert Fisk’s article Let us rebel against poisonous academics and their preposterous claptrap of exclusion in the…

These were the top 10 stories tagged with Writing in 2005. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2005 by using the calendar at the top of this page.