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[GEEK] OPML Validator

I just came across Dave Winer’s new, beta, OPML Validator, which is a welcome development. While there is an OPML spec, having a validator too is a great, pragmatic, concrete way to give a big thumbs up or down to a particular piece of XML

Per de Raadt (OpenBSD) Linux è spazzatura

Da Punto Informatico: Linux? E’ spazzatura: “Linux? È spazzatura
Il fondatore del progetto OpenBSD, Theo de Raadt, si lancia in un’invettiva contro Linux, raccolta dal prestigioso Forbes Magazine

Roma — ‘Linux è un sistema operativo terribile’. L’autore…

CSS & financial tips & tricks

  • 10 CSS tricks you may not know
  • Get rich slowly — A great review of personal finance books at foldedspace.org with condensed bullet-point lists from some major ones.
  • Many analysts are increasing their projections for Google’s…

WiFi poaching? Who’s liable?

John C. Dvorak reacts to news of an individual arrested for stealing WiFi signal: How can this be illegal when the computers often latch onto the wrong signal by themselves?

WiFi poaching, also called wardriving, is essentially piggybacking on others’…

[GEEK] Unified name space for aggregator extensions for OPML?

There’s been a lot of discussion (follow these links for more links) of late about how to extend OPML, including what I wrote about some common aggregation related OPML attributes. From reading the discussions and thinking…

These were the top 10 stories tagged with Technology in 2005. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2005 by using the calendar at the top of this page.