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Adam Bosworth on KISS

Adam Bosworth’s speech

Adam Bosworth’s an interesting guy, and very smart, and has been deeply involved in web services and many related technologies for years. He really knows this stuff. And it’s interesting, because one of the key Web Services technologies is SOAP, a loosely coupled…

Panasonic Advanced Technology

I visited the Matsushita (Panasonic) technology center in Osaka today with some friends. At Matsushita, I…

Agent Based Modeling

And now for something completely different. I was reading this book: “It’s Alive” over the weekend. Particularly of interest to me was all the discussion about so-called “Agent Based Modeling.” Agent based modeling is a big word for simulations used generally to research and understand…

Associated Press: Expert Issues E-voting System Challenge to Hackers in Vegas

An Associated Press story reports on a challenge to inspect VoteHere’s VHTi technology. Here’s a few excerpts:

Rebecca Mercuri, a Harvard University-affiliated research…

Wall Street Journal: Crypto Meets E-voting

In his Wall Street Journal column last Monday, Lee Gomes applies a little cryptography philosophy to e-voting:

It seems that the world’s cryptographers, while dealing with keeping secrets, do most of their work in public.

Testimony to the California Voting Systems & Procedures Panel

On Wednesday, I testified (complete testimony here) to the California Voting Systems & Procedures Panel regarding their recommendations to California Secretary of State Kevin Shelley for electronic voting machines. Here’s a…

Newsweek: Ballot Boxes Go High Tech

Newsweek Senior Editor, Steven Levy, writes about e-voting technology. VoteHere’s technology is mentioned:

… software vendor VoteHere provides citizens who want to verify their votes with a tracking code [tracking codes are all posted to the…

These were the top 10 stories tagged with Technology in 2004. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2004 by using the calendar at the top of this page.