Every gurgle of my baby throat To the coo chi-coos of all, Touched only one soul – Your heart.
Every praise and winning streak Made friends hold me high – And there you stood in the corner With…
The path narrowing lay before and widened behind to oblivion; no sign of life, no rustle of trees, stood solitary the traveler.
Defining the soul mate relationship as opposed to any other kind of relationship is not so hard once you…
是不是有些人種,有著愛缺乏症候群?內心需要愛,卻人與人之間築起一面高牆,Turn down connection, refused the intimate.就好像,失去網路連結的電腦,他是一台PC,卻也是Personal longly Computer.免去世上的紛紛擾擾,世界卻也從此不再五彩繽紛。沒了網路,平日有著資訊焦慮症的我,獲得從未沒有的悠閒,以往,只要一拿到電腦,不自覺,制約般的check e-mail、逛BBS,看新聞。生活就是如此一成不變,少了這些例行工作,反而焦慮的不知道如何是好。現在,我用筆記本寫東西,沒了Crowded information bugs me…
Soul mates. The very phrase conjures up images of happily-ever-after and someone to lean on when things…