What Gets You Recruited?

One common thing assessed for all the jobs is — “Is the candidate fit to work with us?”

After initial filters, the most important factor that gets a person recruited is the demeanor.

  1. Make sure that you know the set of attitudes that are necessary in your industry.
  2. Never boast about yourself. There is a delicate balance between telling your achievements and boasting about them.
  3. Irrespective of the industry you are interviewed for, always have a growing mindset and should be an integral part of your personality.
  4. Interrupting others in interview means, you are out.
  5. Ask question about the industry or organization for your genuine understanding or knowing the opportunities you may have — not to just be heard.
  6. If you are interviewed by a senior in the company, be known that after your interview — the interviewer will ask his or her secretary about your first interaction with them.
  7. Recruiters are wise people — mostly! — they can see your passions. Show your fire but do not over do it. They know your strengths and weaknesses at various levels before you even walked in.
  8. Keep your introductions very brief. Once a recruiter did a seminar at a course that I attended in a business school and he told that longer the introduction, less likely we would be inclined to build the relationship.
  9. A powerful interview is like a date with bit of past, some of present, and somewhat the future. An interview is like the speed dating — they want to know, whether we can be together or not.
  10. Be yourself, always. Do not pretend. It takes zero effort to be real.



Physician and Epidemiologist; I write about life, productivity, science and other nice things.

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Physician and Epidemiologist; I write about life, productivity, science and other nice things.