What are the various performance matrices in Statistical Machine Learning?

  1. Confusion Matrix
  2. Classification Accuracy
  3. Precision / Positive Prediction Value (PPV)
  4. Sensitivity / Recall / True Positive Rate (TPR)
  5. Specificity / True Negative Rate (TNR)
  6. Negative Prediction Value (NPV)
  7. F1 Score
  8. F-beta Score
  9. Matthews Correlation Coefficient / Phi coefficient / Mean Square Contingency Coefficient
  10. Balanced Accuracy
  • when FP and FN are both equally important, β = 1
  • when FP is more important, β < 1 (i.e. 0.5)
  • when FN is more important, β > 1 (i.e. 2)



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Mayuresh Madiwale

Mayuresh Madiwale


A frisky Data Science enthusiast who is on a mission to acquire the skills required to master the field. He also likes writing and reading articles and blogs.