The Shortform
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The Shortform


matitadigitale / Pixabay

You arrived on time for your appointment. You glance at your wristwatch and see that you’ve been waiting for an hour. You feel a little guilty, knowing that you probably should have made the appointment for a day last week — or last month. But you console yourself with the knowledge that you’re here now, and that if you have a problem, you may be able to do something about it.

Recently, I went to an auto repair shop, and I was struck by the similarities between waiting in it and waiting in a doctor’s office.

The second-greatest similarity: you know that sooner or later both patients — you and your 2003 Honda CR-V — will die.

The greatest similarity: you hope that neither will die today.

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Copyright © 2022 by John Porter. All Rights Reserved.



The Shortform is dedicated to the quick read. If you are looking for some tiny nuggets of knowledge or some easy entertainment, you came to the right place. Specially designed for consuming content when you are short on time or energy.

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John Douglas Porter

John Douglas Porter


John Porter manages his family’s cattle ranch in California, where he also writes screenplays, essays, and stories.