Transparency report 2019 and the road to a platform coop
Another year has passed for Camplight, and it had a lot of turbulence. Looking back at the difficulties we had, I’m not amazed at how much we achieved but how mindful we were in the journey. 🧘 It’s not interesting how much data we’ve processed but rather what wisdom we had gathered.
We managed to work with some great minds and people. Some of the projects, we partnered to build, reached a couple of continents and a few hundred thousand people.
It’s becoming quite possible that you might have used some of our digital work or know a person who came across it.
Like with every worthy adventure, 2019 went very fast. Swoosh and now it’s 2020 Q3, and I’m just reaching the point to have some spare time and write these words.
Let us show you part of our story and how we got where we are now. It’s a prequel of how a service company, run by volunteer work, is building products. Some of them are internal, some are in collaboration with partners, and others are transformed from a service project to a licensed product. This is done while we continue developing our self-organization techniques, facilitation tactics, and cooperative model. Building a place where we want to be and not a place where we will just wait for the time to pass by while staring at the next gig :)
Here’s our transparency report:
This dynamic of doing products as a service organization and evolving the way we collaborate paves exciting ideas for maturing as a company. We started looking at the platform coop, federated, or foundational models. We believe that we can make both service and product businesses play together and create a thriving ecosystem that is beneficial for all cooperators.
Follow us to see how a small group of people are collectively shaping their destiny in a transparent and meaningful way.
Or give your curiosity some slack and check out some of our previous reports:
- Camplight 4.0
- Camplight 5.0
- Camplight 6.0
- We didn’t have the energy to make a public version of Camplight 7.0 🤷