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How FOX Corporation Succeeds in the Modern Media Landscape
How FOX Corporation Succeeds in the Modern Media Landscape
Michael Ibrahim, Senior Vice President of Digital Product at Fox Corporation, has several patents under his belt and a skill for building…
Nov 29
Ethical and Effective Use of AI
Ethical and Effective Use of AI
How should companies think about AI? When should it be used? Should it be regulated? On Up Next in Commerce, Dr. Athina Kanioura, Chief…
Nov 22
Innovating in Niche Spaces
Innovating in Niche Spaces
What are the benefits of turning your passion into a career? Rob Bossen, CEO of Grey Duck, shares how his interest in stand-up…
Nov 17
The “Ecommerce Everywhere” Vision
The “Ecommerce Everywhere” Vision
How does e-commerce completely alter the way alcohol businesses reach consumers? Derek Correia, President of ReserveBar, knows that B2C can…
Nov 15
Finding White Space and Timing Entry Into New Markets
Finding White Space and Timing Entry Into New Markets
How do you find white space in your market? And when you do, how should you time your product release? Ken Wegner, President of Jel Sert…
Nov 10
Why Liquid Death Didn’t Water Down Its Marketing Strategy
Why Liquid Death Didn’t Water Down Its Marketing Strategy
How can companies capture customer attention and spark interest in their brand? Hamid Saify, SVP of Digital Retail at Liquid Death Mountain…
Nov 8
Innovating Frozen Pizza
Innovating Frozen Pizza
How can a company stand out in an overpopulated market? Jasper Falluca, Director of Business Development at Palermo’s Pizza, shares…
Nov 2
Disrupting the Market in the Middle Ground
Disrupting the Market in the Middle Ground
How do startups aim to disrupt the current market? Gabe Coyne, CEO of Stix Golf, explains that businesses need to create affordable options…
Oct 31
Creating the Best Customer Experience
Creating the Best Customer Experience
What is the recipe for exceptional customer experiences? Michael Bair, SVP of Customer Experience at FIGS, thinks the ingredients to create…
Oct 24
Hot Takes on Branding and Ad Strategy
Hot Takes on Branding and Ad Strategy
How should ecommerce brands be thinking about advertising strategy? What will work now and into the future? Alexa Kilroy, Head of Brand at…
Oct 19
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