Tales of the Wind |Erc |Ethereum |Dragon Tale |Cryptocurrecies
My family tells of an ancient legend about
two great dragon brothers:
The dragon of the north wind and the dragon of the south wind
together they upheld balance and harmony in the heavens.
But the two brothers argued over
who could better rule their land, their quarrel
turned to rage and their violent struggle
darkened the skies,
until the dragon of the south wind struck down his brother, who fell
to earth, shattering the land.
The dragon of the south wind had triumphed,
but as time passed he realized his solitude.
The sweetness of victory turned to ash.
For years the bereft dragon’s grief threw
the world into discord and he knew only bitterness and sorrow.
One day a stranger called up to the dragon
and asked:
“O dragon Lord, why are you so distraught?”
The dragon told him: “Seeking power, I killed my brother.
But without him, I am lost.”
The stranger replied: “You have inflicted wounds
upon yourself,
but now,
you must heal.
Walk the earth on two feet as I do,
find value
in humility,
then you will find peace.
The dragon knelt upon the ground.
For the first time he was able to clearly see the world around him
and he became human.
The stranger revealed himself as his fallen
reunited, the two set out to rebuild what they had once destroyed.
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