LaMDA: a next gen AI Model

What is LaMDA ?

LaMDA, short for Language Model for Dialogue Applications was developed by Google to have more fluent and accurate, natural conversations with people. LaMDA can converse with a human on any topic, thanks to the large dataset used to train LaMDA and it is indeed a huge milestone achieved by Google. Google released its first keynote about LaMDA on May 18, 2021. LaMDA understands the concepts and meaning of words with context to sentences from its training data, which helps it carry on a conversation in a realistic way.

But after seeing the fantastic results by LaMDA, one might wonder about how LaMDA is able to make this level of clear and detailed conversation? The answer is “Transformers”.

LaMDA is based on the Transformers architecture. Yeah, the word ‘Transformers’ does not denote the electrical device or the Transformers movie. It is an architecture proposed by Google to achieve high-level parallelisation, accuracy and to reduce computation cost for NLP-related tasks. Google announced to the world about the Transformers architecture in the 2017 paper, Attention Is All You Need. The transformers architecture is simple, accurate and parallelisable and works well as a replacement to the LSTM — Long Short Term Memory architecture, which was prominent for NLP tasks until 2017.

Encoder Network
Decoder Network

LaMDA sentient crisis :

After seeing the unbelievable performance by LaMDA, it’s no surprise to see people calling it a ‘sentient’. AI is a field where such breakthroughs have become so common over the past 10 years. Yes, there are some claims like LaMDA is sentient, and it also has feelings like a human. But as of now, there is no evidence for these claims other than its intelligent answers which it learned through the huge dataset.



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