Image Processing- Background Knowledge (1)

General Idea

In image processing, we use image sensors/ camera sensors, e.g.: CMOS,CCD, to digitize real world signals.


Usually, we use grids, so-called 2D: pixel/ 3D: voxel, to represent the relative location of the 2D/3D image, and each grid has their quantization of irradiance.

Neighborhood Relations

If there are multiple pixels/ voxels have common edge/ shared edge, then they are neighbors。

Surrounding pixels share the edge with the middle pixel (m, n).
Surrounding and corner pixel share the edge and corner with middle pixel (m, n).

Intensity transformations

It is a point operation that transform the original intensity values w/o considering the neighborhood, e.g.: Gamma Transformation, Image Complement……etc.

Histogram Processing

With the histograms, we can have information about the contrast in an image.

Original image in Gray scale (left), Original image (right)
The histogram of SKY, Grassland and matching result(left), the matching image(right)




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