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Elastic Search with Spring Boot

Photo by Paul Green on Unsplash

In the first part of the elastic search series, I have explained about basics of elastic search and using it with Spring boot.

But there are many questions I have received regarding running an elastic search with a spring boot

  1. How to connect spring boot application with elastic search easily.
  2. How to check indexes and data of elastic search.
  3. How to publish data of SQL into elastic search.

So In this post, I will try to explain these things as well we will be creating indexes and publishing data using elasticTemplate, So let's start..

How to connect spring boot application with elastic search easily

There are two things while running elastic search one is we enable default security which is provided by elastic or we disable it but if it is enabled then it is quite complex to connect as well as manage elastic search so its better to disable it for our local development.

Command to run the elastic search by disabling security.

Now to test whether it is working fine or not we can use curl

curl localhost:9200

Now after this In the Spring boot application Just make changes in properties and config file

If we are using Elastic search 8+ then we need to pass headers also to make it compatible with 7.

That's all it will connect your spring boot app with a security disabled elastic search instance running in your local.

Security enabled example I have explained in the previous post.

How to check indexes and data of elastic search

To see indexes and data created on elastic search either we can use curl or the better way is we can Kibana, using kibana we can see the indexes properly and there are lot many things in Kibana

Command to run Kibana

We can access it from port http://localhost:5601

If the security is enabled then we will get an enrollment token and password while starting the elastic search so that we can use it.

How to publish data of SQL into elastic search

To publish data from SQL into the elastic search we can use Logstash (We can run this also on docker by pulling the latest image)

After this, there is a Plugin named JDBC input plugin which is used for copying records from SQL and putting them into elastic search.

It will pull the data whenever there is an update in SQL or after a regular interval, Here we need to keep in my mind the delete scenarios also. So we should do soft delete and first remove records from dependent sources and then from the main DB.

So now I think If we have tried till here we will be having a good understanding of Elastic Search.

Create and Search Index Using ElasticSearchTemplate

Now if we want to create index using ElasticSearchTemplate we can simply call different methods which are used for creating bulkIndexes as well as single indexes.

Now After creating the index next step is to search, There are multiple ways to search using elastic search — NativeQuery, StringQuery, and CriteriaQuery depending on how we construct the query

Now we can test our results using Postman.

In the next post, I will be creating APIs to search using multiple columns and other important concepts related to ELK.

Thanks for reading!!




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Chakresh Tiwari

Chakresh Tiwari


Software Engineer at Cisco , Sharing my knowledge and experience related to work. I am here to help learners to prepare for tech interviews