Differentiable Perceptrons

y = sign(w^{T}*x)
y = 1 / (1 + e ^ {-w^{T}*x})
p(y = 1| x) = 1 / (1 + e ^ {-w^{T}*x})
if y^{i} = 1, l(x^{i}, y^{i}) = -ln(p^{i})
if y^{i} = 0, l(x^{i}, y^{i}) = -ln(1 - p^{i})
Both statements are such that a probability closer to y^{i} results in the loss approaching 0, while a probability towards the opposite class results in a loss approaching negative infinity.Combining these two statements, in relation to each class, we get: l(x^{i}, y^{i}) = - y^{i} * ln(p^{i}) - (1 - y^{i})*-ln(1 - p^{i})
Neural network model that could use perceptron to classify between images of 0s and 1s



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