Covid’s Effect on my Panic Disorder

A brief history

My brain is comprised of a sexy, 3-part cocktail: 1 part panic disorder, 1 part general anxiety, and 1 part major depression. All of these, when combined, create a beautiful symphony of emotions.

Covid and its first side effect

In May of 2022, after 2.5 years of dodging Covid, it finally caught up to me. (Thank you Lumineers concert.) The illness itself was fine, as far as Covid cases go. I had a fever that left after a day, my oxygen levels never dipped below normal, and I never lost my ability to taste. I recovered in less than two weeks and was ready to face the world again.

What came after

Over the next few months, it didn’t seem to matter what I was doing or how I was feeling mentally, these waves would come seemingly from nowhere and wash over my body, creating heat and tension.

Vällkomen till Sverige

Standing on top of the Cliffs of Moher, reconnecting with myself.

Good advice and hard work

My sister-in-law encouraged me to focus on the things that I do know about myself and my body. I knew I had a hormonal imbalance. I knew I had panic disorder. I knew I had mitral valve prolapse. I would become an expert in those things, seek help with what I know first, and then slowly check off the items that I didn’t know.

What I’ve learned and what’s next

What’s been the most interesting part of all of this to me is how connected our mind is to our bodies. Covid (body) triggered a panic attack (mind) on the way home from the beach that day. It brought back my anxiety (mind) and created pulses in my (body).



I’m a passionate designer, creator, writer and woman. I care about the impact I have and hope to inspire others to do the same.

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Haley Ahokas

Haley Ahokas


I’m a passionate designer, creator, writer and woman. I care about the impact I have and hope to inspire others to do the same.