Boring Indices & Where to Find Them: The Auto-Incremented Integer Index in StaticFrame

>>> import static_frame as sf

Reindexing & Relabeling

>>> s1 = sf.Series((x * 100 for x in range(1, 5)), index=tuple('wxyz'))>>> s1
w 100
x 200
y 300
z 400
<<U1> <int64>
>>> s1.reindex(tuple('stwx'), fill_value=0)
s 0
t 0
w 100
x 200
<<U1> <int64>
>>> s1.relabel(tuple('abcd'))
a 100
b 200
c 300
d 400
<<U1> <int64>

Setting an Auto-Incremented Integer Index

The IndexAutoFactory Type

Resetting an Index when Relabeling

>>> s1.relabel(sf.IndexAutoFactory)
0 100
1 200
2 300
3 400
<int64> <int64>
>>> f1 = sf.Frame.from_dict(dict(a=(1,2), b=(True, False)), index=tuple('xy'))>>> f1
<Index> a b <<U1>
x 1 True
y 2 False
<<U1> <int64> <bool>
>>> f1.relabel(index=sf.IndexAutoFactory, columns=sf.IndexAutoFactory)
<Index> 0 1 <int64>
0 1 True
1 2 False
<int64> <int64> <bool>
>>> f1.relabel(index=tuple('ab'), columns=sf.IndexAutoFactory)
<Index> 0 1 <int64>
a 1 True
b 2 False
<<U1> <int64> <bool>

Resetting an Index when Concatenating

>>> s1
w 100
x 200
y 300
z 400
<<U1> <int64>
>>> sf.Series.from_concat((s1, s1), index=tuple('abcdefgh'))
a 100
b 200
c 300
d 400
e 100
f 200
g 300
h 400
<<U1> <int64>
>>> sf.Series.from_concat((s1, s1), index=sf.IndexAutoFactory)
0 100
1 200
2 300
3 400
4 100
5 200
6 300
7 400
<int64> <int64>
>>> s2 = s1 * .5>>> sf.Frame.from_concat((s1, s2), axis=1, columns=sf.IndexAutoFactory)
<Index> 0 1 <int64>
w 100 50.0
x 200 100.0
y 300 150.0
z 400 200.0
<<U1> <int64> <float64>
>>> sf.Frame.from_concat((f1, f1), axis=1, columns=sf.IndexAutoFactory)
<Index> 0 1 2 3 <int64>
x 1 True 1 True
y 2 False 2 False
<<U1> <int64> <bool> <int64> <bool>

Consistent Interfaces for More Maintainable Code



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Christopher Ariza

Christopher Ariza


Chief Technology Officer at Research Affiliates, a global leader in investment strategies and research.