I walk that fine line
between soccer mom
and trophy wife.And it makes me wonder
why life doesn’t come with its own
how-to manual or tutorial
or maybe an unabridged playbook
for the formerly single, slightly misguided female.
Thank you to the editors of The Daily Cuppa. It is…
I’ve been told it’s a far better life
as a minimalist
to downsize
despite outcries
from a hoarder
who has double fisted
everything, even string
to save just in case for a rainy day
that never comes,
despite the downpours.
© Connie Song 2022. All Rights Reserved.
ring like white noise
He has selective hearing
or should I say listening?
I know sign language
and with one flick of the wrist
he knows exactly what I mean.
© Connie Song 2022. All Rights Reserved.
There is a free clinic down the road
administering tox screens, MRIs and lobotomies
of the soul, extractions of incisors, hypnotherapy
for smokers, overeaters and those with sexual addictions.
Free validated parking, what more could you ask,
with Carvel ice cream on the corner clip.
I miss the Payless Shoes and…
There are always choices
alternate routes
to the desired destination.
There are escalators
hold the mayo
but the morning holds but one sunrise
and the evening, one sunset
and one crusty moon in a distant sky,
and the world spins
as if it had no choice…
We live in two different worlds
glass houses broken into
We shop along the avenue
blurry mirrors, pristine walls
with wainscoting in the halls
You don’t quite understand me
and I don’t know you
from Adam,
please tell what does that mean?
are we connected with an apple or some fig leaves…
First, he told me
he loved me.
Then, he hid the sun, the moon and the stars.
still, I patched the holes in his socks
and shined his shoes
to make them look brand new.
He told me there was no other
who could care for him
through thick and thin,
good times and bad,
and I believed every word he said.
I found a sweet locket
a token wrapped in a box
under his grey socks.
But alas, it was not engraved for me.
© Connie Song 2022. All Rights Reserved.