Sep 18, 2017Fresh Out of College — Why I Decided to Work with the OldiesToday’s blog is dedicated to all my peers who still can’t figure out why I decided to work with “old fogies” when I graduated from college years ago. The majority of my friends seem to have taken up jobs as consultants, teachers, grad students, physical therapists, and other occupations that…Aging3 min readAging3 min read
Sep 14, 2017All the Single LadiesI am in over my head. By the time my husband and I struggle to get all the kids in bed (and to get them to stay there), I plop myself on the couch exhausted and often, quite hopeless. Sleep is what I need, yet my feeling is that if…Singles4 min readSingles4 min read
May 18, 2017For the Clumsy MotherIf you’re the type who loses your keys often, always leaves your car lights on, gets caught with your clothes inside out, goes to the store to buy dinner because you are desperate for a meal, only to drive home and realize you left the rotisserie chicken at the store…Parenting4 min readParenting4 min read